An interwrapper is a transfer that occurs between two wrappers that are included as part of the report being generated.  The interwrapper isnt included within the inflow / outflow totals, however they will show under their respective wrappers (Under the 'Check & Verify Data' area of the report wizard). There are some conditions that need to be met for an inflow / outflow to be classed as an interwrapper transfer:

1/ The transfer between the wrappers need to have taken place between 2 wrappers that are part of the report.

2/ The date needs to be the same for both transfers

3/ The transaction type needs to be classed as a flow (1 of them an inflow the other an outflow).

4/ The value needs to match (Eg. An inflow of xxx needs to have an opposite match in the outflow of the other wrapper).  

For example: If you have a withdrawal of £7,000 from 1 wrapper, the contribution also needs to be £7,000.  

You cannot have a withdrawal of £7,000 and then 2 contributions that total the £7,000, it must be a match between 1 withdrawal and 1 contribution.

If you take a look at the following image, you can see an inflow of £7000 and £65000 however the total is only £65000, £7000 is missing.  The same goes for the outflow, you can see an outflow of £57000 however the total is showing as £50000.

If I now select  theicon next to the inflow for £7000:

Then the same for the outflow of £57000:

 You can see the transaction on the 26th April 2023, matches the criteria for an interwrapper transfer, they are the same date, classed as a flow, included in the same report and have an opposite amount match.