Within the Setup area of Fastrak you will see an area called Custom Benchmarks. If this is not available, please raise a Support Ticket to get this area added to your profile.


Custom Benchmarks displays all the Indices available from your FE integration. Below you can see a selection of them.



The Benchmarks can currently be used within certain FE Pages in your Report Templates to compare the performance of your Client’s portfolios against that of either a single Indices or a Composite one.


You select the Benchmark to use as part of the Report production process.


To create your own, bespoke Composite Benchmarks you simply need to create a “New Composite Benchmark” by clicking on the Green Cross.




Double click where it says “New Composite Benchmark” and then you can rename this to whatever is appropriate for your Organisation.




Once you have this framework in position, you can start to drag and drop the relevant Benchmarks to the right-hand side of the Custom Benchmarks screen in the box below the name of your Benchmark.


To identify the required Indices, you can scroll through these manually or use the “Type part of name to filter” field to find any Sector.



Once you have found the Indices that you want to use, drag it across to the area on the right and continue to add them until you have all of the Indices that you need.



When all the different, required indices have been added you can then adjust the percentages to reflect the correct split. Please be aware that these should sum to 100%.



Now when you create Reports with the Benchmark option available as a selection, in your dropdown you will locate your create composites so that you can select them, and they will be used in the appropriate FE Report Pages.

There may be a slight delay while Fastrak fetches data from FE. Once the green tick is displayed, the composite benchmark will be displayed accordingly in the generated report, as dictated by the relevant report template page settings.