This widget charts the overall breakdown of funds per sector, as defined by the selected sector model.

Based on the sector models defined in the Sector Models tab in Setup (see the following articles - 1, 2) the division of funds per sector can be displayed in a variety of way.

The sector model to be used can be selected from the drop down menu across the top of the widget.

As with the majority of dashboard widgets, you can export the underlying data for this chart to an Excel spreadsheet by click on the Excel icon in the top right corner. The file will be saved to your default location (usually a Downloads folder) and will be named Asset Allocation Chart.xls.

There are also a number of additional settings that can be accessed via the cog icon in the top right corner.

In addition to changing the background colour of the widget, you can also change the type of chart to be drawn, and determine whether unassigned assets are included in the total asset allocation.

Chart types are Pie, Bar (horizontal display) and Column (vertical display).

Hovering over any portion of the chart with the mouse will show the label, the percentage and the value of that percentage.



You may find that you do not wish to include assets/funds that have not yet been assigned to a particular sector in the chart. This can be achieved by unchecking the Include Unassigned option in the settings.

Doing so will redraw the chart, excluding the unassigned funds.