Very occasionally you will review your Model Portfolios and add funds which none of your clients already hold. This will lead to your Model Portfolio area in Setup looking like this –




To assign a Sector to the new fund you will need access to Fastrak Setup, if you do not have Setup access, please ask the person who manages Fastrak in your firm to arrange this for you.


Usually to assign a Fund to a Sector you go to Setup / Sector Models and the fund will be sat in the window of the right-hand side of the screen.



If you add a Fund which none of your Clients hold this window will be blank whilst the “Select funds from” dropdown is set to “All funds currently held”. Even when you change this to “All available sources” it will remain empty. This is because of the sheer number of Funds that are available from our Partners.




Funds will start to appear as you type into the “Search Funds” window. Typing the Fund name in might produce the result you want but it is quicker to use complete CitiCodes.



Once the fund appears in the right-hand box you can drag and drop the fund into the correct Sector within your model.