Merging Accounts in Fastrak
Access the Client Dashboard in the usual way, either via the Clients Tab or the Search Box under your logo.
Within the Standard Widgets, there will be one called Account Summary.
If you cannot see this Widget you may need to scroll to the right or Reset the layout of the Widgets to get this to appear.
Within this Widget, you will see –
- the Account Name
- an internal, Fastrak Account Reference
- the “Merge another account into this one…” search both
- the Individual Clients who are already included in this Account
If you discover that there is another Client record for either or both Clients in this Account (as in the example below), or any Clients who should be merged into this account, you can use the “Merge another account into this one…” search box to resolve this
Simply find the desired Account and then select it.
Please be very careful that you do not bring through the wrong Client, as if you merge this in it can be difficult to separate them.
This will then open a window asking you to confirm whether you want to merge these records.
The Primary record will be the Account that you are already viewing so please ensure that this is the best record in terms of Address and basic Client information.
Simply select OK and Fastrak will bring the individual Client Records into the Account.
Merging Clients in Fastrak
If dealing with duplicate clients, doing the above will result in multiple entries for the same Client appearing in the Account Summary Widget.
Merging these individual records is a case of dragging and dropping one record onto the other. The record you drag will be treated as the Secondary record - the other is the Primary one which will take precedence.
Again, select OK.
Once you have done this for all the individuals in the Account it will look like this:-
Why were these clients duplicated in the first place?
Sitting behind Fastrak is a clever piece of software called KEITH. KEITH looks at Client data across all the various satellites – Provider Platforms & Back Office systems – and tries to identify the same Client in these different locations. Once KEITH is satisfied that it has the same Client it will then amalgamate the Client Data, taking the most complete record from each source and bringing these together into the best available record before importing this into Fastrak.
KEITH will also look in the Client records for any individual Clients who are linked together in a Back Office feed, or who share a joint policy. Any linked Clients will be brought together within one Account whilst still maintaining their individual identities within Fastrak.
Where a Client perhaps only appears on one Platform and there is no Back Office to fill in any gaps you can have a scenario where KEITH does not have enough information to bring Individual Clients together. In this scenario, you can manually establish a link between Clients which will then retain them within one Account.
You may also find that if a Client has records on more than one Platform, again without a Back Office to verify additional data, more than one individual Client Record can be created, as platforms frequently only supply very limited Client information in the feeds that we receive.
Once merged in Fastrak, client records from multiple sources will remain linked in our database and no further duplicates from those sources should occur.