Create your Model / Risk based Model Portfolios
Once you have set up your sectors – you can now set up your Model portfolios.
The Fastrak rebalance Report can display the risk profile and model portfolio per tax wrapper.
Note – If you do not use Risk Profiles Fastrak add one to create Working Model Portfolios?
If you want to set up risk- based Model portfolios - Check you have set up Risk Profiles in Fastrak via SetupàRisk Profiles in order to create Model Portfolios. If not please go to our Support page à Search for Risk Profiles and follow steps to set these up
1. Navigate to Setupà Model Portfolios to set these up or speak to your Fastrak office administrator if you cannot access this area.
2. Option 1 Select your Model Portfolio if already created from the dropdown menu or
3. Create your Model Portfolio by clicking on the Orange icon
4. You will see your sector model name/s displayed and Risk profile. Select the Sector Model you require and the risk profile (if you use them)
5. Select whether or not you want to select in the platform/provider field. When a specific platform is selected, then that model portfolio can only be selected against a wrapper from the specified platform. If you have integrations with Platforms such as Transact, Nucleus etc. where you have specific Models due to fund availability you need to create a separate Model Portfolio for these.
6. Click on the green plus icon to the right-hand side of the sector and you will see a dialog box containing the funds originally chosen when setting up the Sector Model. Select your funds by clicking on the check box to the left-hand side and then click on the add selected button.
7. The funds selected will appear under their relevant sector, and a percentage allocation can be set, per fund, per sector. Repeat this process for all sectors – the total % will need to add up to 100%. See example below:
8. Option 2 Update the percentage % allocations using Excel, depending on the number of model portfolios, sectors and funds being worked with. Using Excel the “export xls” and “import xls” spreadsheet located next to the Platform/Provider field will allow you to
Click on the export xls link and you will see a spreadsheet with the following headings
seven column headings along with any existing model portfolios and corresponding data:
Note: Please create your own audit trail and naming convention for these spreadsheets and store securely.
The following information below is required for each of these headings in relation to your Model Portfolio.
Column A Platform
Set to a value of All or
If you have integrations with Platforms such as Transact, Nucleus etc. where you have specific Models due to fund availability you need to create a separate Model for these by adding their Name into Column B.
Column B Model Portfolio
Set this with the name of your Model Portfolio e.g., Argentum Model Portfolio
If you have more than one narrative in this column it will create a new Model Portfolio so the only time you should change the narrative is when you have a specific set of Portfolios, e.g. Argentum Ethical Model Portfolio
Column C Risk Profile
· The content in this column should reflect your Risk Profiles Titles from the Setup/Risk Profiles area of the system. See example below:
Column D Fund Name
In this column record the name of the fund in your Model
Do not worry about matching the name exactly with that in the FE records as Fastrak works using the CitiCodes to import the Model
Column E Fund Code Type
Ideally set this using CitiCode as a value as these are the preferred fund codes for Fastrak and because CitiCodes are the only unique fund codes. If you use ISIN Codes, for example, you may find that you import a fund in the wrong currency.
Column F Fund Code
Record the correct fund code for the fund which is in your Model Portfolio
Navigate to the Funds Tab within Fastrakà Select All Assets or Funds à Double click on the fund you require held to locate the correct CitiCode by using the search facility
You will see the following widgets à Search for your fund using the Investment Widget
Column G Share of Portfolio
Record the percentage of each fund within each variation of the Model Portfolio.
These must add up exactly to 100%
If you have Cash in your Model Portfolios this needs to be entered using the CitiCode - CGBP
Once you have completed your first Risk profile version it should look something like this:
9. Once you are happy with the content, save the Spreadsheet in a central location, ensuring that you retain the ‘Save as type:’ as -
10. To import the Model into Fastrak, click on the “import xls” link and point the system to the location of the saved Spreadsheet.
11. If the Spreadsheet has been completed correctly the Model will appear within the system. If there are any errors these will be flagged onscreen. For example, if your percentages do not add up to 100% for each of the variations. Once any errors are rectified you can import once again.
Example of Model Import: