There are numerous methods to add funds to a sector:

Method 1 Creating Sector Models 

Add each fund one by one

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1. Select the Sector Model 

2. Click on the double-arrows on the top bar labelled Sectors & associated funds in model – this expands/collapses all the sectors to view any existing funds

3. Click on the double-arrows at the end of the Sector Name to expand/collapse to view any existing funds



4. On the top right hand of the screen, you can find and filter funds using the following:


  • From the Select funds from dropdown menu

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  • Typing in key fund names in the Search Funds fields 
  • All available sources- Everything 
  • All funds currently held – those that clients currently hold – within your data
  • All non – fund assets held – property, licence plate A1 entered manually or back office 


5. Drag and drop the relevant Fund on the right into the relevant Sector on the left

6. If you need to remove a fund from the left-hand side – Drag and drop it into the Recycle Bin located in the middle of the screen






Method 2 Creating Sector Models 

Using the “export xls” and “import xls” spreadsheet link located next to the add Sectors field

1. Once you have all your Sector Names set up click on the “export xls” link option - the Sector & Fund Data will drop into excel. Open the spreadsheet which contains the following columns –


2. All the data from the Sector Model will pre-fill the spreadsheet. Where there is no Sector assigned to a Fund, the section will be blank.

3. Save this spreadsheet before you start working in case you need to reinstate this data at any point.

4. Type in the name of the relevant Sector in the Sector column next to the Fund. Remember to use the exact name of the Sector as it appears in Setup / Sector Models or a new Sector may be created.

5. Once you have completed this exercise for all the unassigned Funds, or as many as you require, save the spreadsheet with a different name but retaining the Excel version as below -

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6. Use the “import xls” link option to import this data. The Funds will now appear under their required Sectors.


Creating Sector Hierarchies 

Sector Hierarchies will move Funds in bulk quickly by using their underlying FE Sector categorisation or client specified Sector Models. 

1. Navigate to Setupà Sector Hierarchies to set these up or speak to your Fastrak office administrator if you cannot access this area. Graphical user interface, application, PowerPoint

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2. Select your Parent model (These will be the Sector Models you have set up) if already created from the dropdown menu 


3. Tick the default box to always show your Default Parent Model first on the list if required


4. Select you Child model from the drop-down menu – you can select it as a default so it always appears first if the Parent Model is selected


5. Drag and Drop the relevant funds to the right-hand side under the relevant Parent Model


6. If you need to remove a fund from the left-hand side – Drag and drop it into the Recycle Bin located in the middle of the screen – Reselect the Child fund and reallocate if required


7. Select the “Apply Changes to Underlying Funds” button


8. A message will pop up to confirm how many Funds have been moved across and allocated to their correct Sector.


9. Go back into SetupàSector Models the Funds should now be visible under their Sector


See completed Sector Hierarchy example below:

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1. Place your cursor in the Sector Model field


2. Type in the name of the Sector Model you require or 

3. Click on the Orange plus icon à a default name appears that can be overtyped 

4. Click on the Green icon to duplicate current model – useful if you have small differences in your models à Overtype with the name you require

5. Click on the red icon to permanently delete models no longer required

6. Tick the Default box if you want this model to appear first on the list in the Reports section of Fastrak


7. To add individual Sectors, Place Cursor in the Add Sectors field 

8. Type in the name of the sector you require e.g., Cash

9. Click on the Orange icon – It will appear in the Sectors & Associated funds in model area see below:

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10. To rename a Sector - Locate the Sector e.g., Cash à double-click on it à enter the new name, then click on another area of the screen to close the edit box to save your change

11. Each sector defaults to the colour Black – Click on the colour palette and choose from the colour wheel – Drag inside the colour box to choose the specific colour shade

12. or enter the hex code from your branded colours you require à select Save or Cancel if you wish to change the colour

13. Repeat steps 1-13 to create additional Sector Models


Please see example below of a Sector Model and sectors


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