Model Portfolio Overview

In order to use the Fastrak Rebalance Report, your Model Portfolios and the funds you require to rebalance will need to be setup in Fastrak.

This will enable you to produce these reports within minutes, without the need to separately pull together funds from different places and perform manual calculations.

Fastrak will pull through all the funds we have found for your clients 

  • Some of these could be uncategorised (e.g. legacy)
  • You could also decide to bring e.g., just 100 of your clients into Fastrak to rebalance however we still pull through all the firms funds linked to these clients e.g., 1500 funds and you will need to categorise these or they will appear as unassigned funds on your Fastrak Rebalance report
  • Risk-based Model Portfolios can be created

See the Model Portfolio example below:

In the Model Portfolios area users are adding the funds to be rebalanced within Fastrak – The rebalancing is done when you run the Fastrak Rebalance report. 

The 3 methods you can use to categorise the funds for your Model Portfolio on Fastrak are as follows:

Method 1: Manually drag and drop each fund one by one using Sector Models

Method 2: Manually completing and uploading a spreadsheet using Sector Models

Method 3: In Bulk if you use FE sectors using Sector Hierarchies and specified Sector Models 


Once your funds have been categorised and set up within Fastrak you can create and name your Model Portfolio/s. You can also have an unlimited number of model portfolios.

Sector and Sector Model Overview

Sector Models within Fastrak are required to set up your Model Portfolio, in order to view your Client’s funds on reports. They determine the naming convention 'Sectors' of where your funds sit. 

Sectors are created within Sector Models and can be simple or as complicated as you require, by using a few headings e.g., UK Equity, International Equity, Property, managed etc., drill down into the individual FE Sectors or use terms that your clients are familiar with. 

You only need one Sector Model for each Model Portfolio and your funds can be updated within the Sectors- e.g., Emerging markets – 5 were the best and you now need to change one.

Fastrak will pull in all your data from your client data and these funds will sit on the right-hand side of the Sector Model section see example below until they need categorising.

On Fastrak if your funds are not categorised, they will appear as unassigned on your reports. 

To categorise funds in Fastrak you can create and name a sector for them in Sector models or use Sector Hierarchies to do this in bulk, Using FE Sectors if you have a FE licence (Covered in section ccc), or add Sectors already set up from different Sector Models (Covered in section ccc) - they will allow you to map these to your named sector.

See the example of a Sector Model: