Sector Models (Check Assignment)
If you want to check what funds are assigned to which sector, this could be due to a report showing a larger percentage of 1 sector over another which you believe is inaccurate, or that a mistake has been made assigning sectors and funds.
The easiest way to locate what funds link with each sector is to export the full list from Fastrak, this can be done via the following:
1/ Select Setup -> Sector Models -> (Then Select the 'export xls' link)
2/ Open the file that is now downloaded from Fastrak, you will notice the headers include the following:
Sector Model: This is the sector Model used for the report.
Sector: This is the sector that the fund is placed into.
Fund: This is the fund that is within the sector mentioned above.
Fund Code Type: This is the code that is used to represent the fund code (ie ISIN, Citicode etc...)
Fund Code: This is the actual fund code, that is based on what is entered in the fund code type.
Excel Filtering
If you wish you can filter the results using excel, making it easier to locate what is included within a specific sector. Select Data, then the filter icon.
Please note: The filter icon will add a drop-down arrow next to each heading, that you can select and use to filter that specific column. Selecting the arrow next to 'Sector' Model' and 'Sector' will allow you to filter these so you can view what is included in a specific Sector.